Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Manic Facial Posturing of Donald Rumsfeld

If Donald Rumsfeld were a weak man he would go to sleep very sad every night. At times it seems the world is against him. He already offered the president his resignation in response to the Abu Graib scandal but now everyone it seems is calling for it. And now he's decided he doesn't want to give it in. "Call it idiosyncratic," he said, when asked yesterday why offer it then and not now?

If you ask me and this New York Times photo collage I think Rumy might be Manic.

Today's "Best Song Ever"

Liars "It Fit When I Was A Kid"

It comes on strong a with propulsive throbbing basse pulse, like it's about to become the most menacing dance punk song ever. Then the drums start to rattle and the chanting begins: "Deeeep at the edge of spaaaace..." Choruses of the catchiest droning ever come in every few lines. And then halfway through the song stops dead and comes back as an ambient swirl with a high pitched incantation at the top. It's like nothing you've ever heard before.

Download, Listen, Discuss.