"Mayor Bloomberg Proclaims Nov. 3 International Project Management Day" this press release arrived in my mail box this morning. Good thing Mayor Bloomberg didn't proclaim today International Project Management Day, because I decided after spending my commute mulling over The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs and marvelling at the just released Rosebuds album Birds Make Good Neighbors today would be Merge Records day.

Which means I'm goign to listen to the whole Spoon catalogue! Well that's not true I've listened to Gimme Fiction, I'm halfway through Girls Can Tell, and I aint stopping til Kill The Moonlight ends. Spoon just keep dumping their awesomocity on my ass it's great! After that I'm gonna listen to Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire, and the insanely pleasant new Clientele album. I'll listen to Destroyer's Your Blues before bed. It's the very best day.