It's Back and It Effing Goes There...
So tonight is the American debut of a new season of one of the best TV shows of all time ever Degrassi the Next Generation on The N. For thos of us who haven't already downloaded the whole season in it's raunchier Canadian version this is very exciting. However my favorite part about Degrassi (as well as my other digital cable favorites Andy Milonakis and Wonder Showzen) is that without DVR or a VCR you can still be assured ample opportunities to watch new episodes anywhere throughout the weekend.
Apparently this season really, like really, no REALLY GOES THERE!!! By that I mean there's a new Kevin Smith appearance and some girlie kissing as well as religious termoil. It's gonna be awesome! The N 8pm tonight and many more times this weekend.

If I went to highschool with Ellie I would pine for her.
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