Monday, September 12, 2005

How does a white guy get on the black team?

With the most white America friendly African Americans (Kanye West, Oprah, and now Senator -and future president- Barak Obama) railing against the federal response to the disaster (ya know the big disaster), I'm wondering how a white guy who feels that all of this criticism is absolutely dead on can fall on the right side of the race war. I'm not saying race war is happening or even inevitable, I'm just saying that it's never seemed quite so close. Maybe during the LA riots. Ok, definatly during the LA riots.

Here's hoping the half of the senate that thinks criticly about things all unite behind President erm... Senator Obama, and start taking whitey down a couple of notches. If we don't it's there fault when the revolution comes. And say what you will, I know what side I'm on.


Blogger Unknown said...

I've been trying to get on their team for years...
I even tried disguising myself...
who knew that black face was offensive...

8:58 AM  

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