Ryan Schreiber

Full diclosure Ryan Schreiber has probably influenced what I listen to more than anyone. More than Beck, Thom Yorke, Stephen Malkmus, or Kurt Cobain. Seriously. Every weekday I look at Pitchfork with the kind of autistic need that "Rain Man" watched Wopner (spelled wrong? but of course). And it delivers. So after this weekends festivities in Chicago (full review is on it's way) I felt it was time to thank Ryan and his minions at Pitchfork for helping nerds to fake cultural superiority so well.
Above is a photo of the Walt Disney of indie rock websites. I'm almost certain I observed Ryan taking photos during the Wrens amazing Sunday evening set. He deserved an encore too.
Fuck Pitchfork, they're really getting to me now man. First they destroy Rivers now they give Bob Mould a less than stellar 7.4 come on now. Lets have some respect for our icons.
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