Monday, March 12, 2007

Hollywood Is Gonna Get Pretty Cock Sure If This Keeps Up

It's always a huge story when a movie as high in quality and as short on big thrills as Little Miss Sunshine does respectable box office. However today's Times suggests the big story this year is movies Hollywood was skeptical about doing bang up business. This weekend the (sort of looks good but critics seem to hate it) epic movie 300 made $70 million dollars. No stars, no bankable characters, no critical praise. Seems the studio dodged a pricey bullet, but this seems to be the year of the sure to be failures becoming big fat paychecks. (ie: Norbit, Wild Hogs, Ghost Rider)

This would all be dandy accept that it all seems to reinforce all of the movie industry's worst atributes. Cash grabs, lowest common denomenator production choices, make or break opening weekends. My suggested remedy: everyone should see The Host next weekend en masse! Show Hollywood that we like our thrills with a brain and a heart sometimes.


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