Number 33: Wolf Parade
There was a time when being the 4th most relevant band in Canada meant you opened for Bare Naked Ladies. Those days are over and if there's any band who wear the titles of coat tail riders it might be Wolf Parade accept that these guys are actually amazing.
A double threat songwriting team that spins yarns as ragedy and noisely as all of our favorite indie-rock heroes. Perhaps the most striking thing about Wolf Parade though, is how much people were already fighting the Wolf Parade backlash before it even happend (has it really happened at all?). It seems that all hype is not created equal.

you should compose these in word... or gmail even before posting them... always filled with spelling and gramar errors...
It's just a blog man. Spelling don't mean shit in the blogoshpere. Quit being a square!
Wolf parade are over hyped because they shouldn't have gotten any hype in the first place. They aren't good enough or exciting enough to warrent such wonderment. Also, I don't think you should have posted your whole list of "relevant" bands before the big one with all the descriptions. Where's your sense of entertainment? Your ruuuuining the suspense!
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