Entertainers of the Year 2005 (6-12)
6. Chuck Chlosterman:

I wait for Chuck's Spin and Esquire columns every month not because he's a visionary or because I always agree with him. It's because Chuck is an entertaining writer. In the age of the blogger it's nice to read someone's self aggrandizing rambles and not want to punch them in the face. Killing Yourself To Live is my favorite book of the year
7. Scarlett Johansen:.

I didn't see one Scarlett Johanasen movie this year but when she glances at me from a news stand my heart sings.
8. Steve Carrell:

40 Year Old Virgin is the best comedy of the year. The Office didn't suck and has actually become one of the funniest shows on TV.
9. M.I.A.:
The most DJ-able album of the year, every song is a big booty shaking classic! Plus an excellent (and free) Central Park Summerstage performance!

10. R. Kelly:
What's more entertaining than mental illness? I can only think of 9 things.

11. Sarah Silverman:
The funniest part of The Aristocrats and omnipresent on the TV. The funniest woman in the world, maybe even ever.

12. Jon Stewart:

I clearly should've used smaller pics. Oh well live and learn!
what's funnier than mental illness...oh that was great
It's spelled Klosterman!!!! UGH! Get a proof reader or something!
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