Yea I voted for Bloomberg

In some ways I'd resigned myself to voting Bloomberg months ago, but still I hesitated while in the booth this morning. Luckily I was able to vote for him as an Independant not as a Republican. I still fell unseemly about it even though he's proven to be an effective and not particularly partisan Mayor.
Let's admit it though Ferrer was just about the bottom of the barrell. There is no reason why we in New York can't have a solid Democratic candidate for every local office.
Ferrer is just about the bottom of the barrel, even last minute campaigning yesterday with Howard Dean and Barrak Obama couldnt make me even consider him for a even a parsec.
Though the reason we have trouble fielding quality canidates in NY as Democrats is there is still alot of cleaning up still to do and alot of animosity left over from the days of the Democratic machine running this city into the ground with carlessness and coruption.
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